""" BAPSicle Server Next-gen audio playout server for University Radio York playout, based on WebStudio interface. Flask Server Authors: Matthew Stratford Michael Grace Date: October, November 2020 """ from api_handler import APIHandler from controllers.mattchbox_usb import MattchBox import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.queues import Queue import time import player from typing import Any import json from setproctitle import setproctitle from helpers.os_environment import isBundelled, isMacOS if not isMacOS(): # Rip, this doesn't like threading on MacOS. import pyttsx3 if isBundelled(): import build import config from typing import Dict, List from helpers.state_manager import StateManager from helpers.logging_manager import LoggingManager from websocket_server import WebsocketServer from web_server import WebServer from player_handler import PlayerHandler setproctitle("server.py") class BAPSicleServer: def __init__(self): startServer() # def get_flask(self): # return app default_state = { "server_version": "", "server_build": "", "server_name": "URY BAPSicle", "host": "localhost", "port": 13500, "ws_port": 13501, "num_channels": 3, "serial_port": None, "ser_connected": False, "myradio_api_key": None, "myradio_base_url": "https://ury.org.uk/myradio", "myradio_api_url": "https://ury.org.uk/api" } channel_to_q: List[Queue] = [] channel_from_q: List[Queue] = [] ui_to_q: List[Queue] = [] websocket_to_q: List[Queue] = [] controller_to_q: List[Queue] = [] channel_p: List[multiprocessing.Process] = [] websockets_server: multiprocessing.Process controller_handler: multiprocessing.Process webserver: multiprocessing.Process def startServer(): process_title = "startServer" setproctitle(process_title) # multiprocessing.current_process().name = process_title global logger global state logger = LoggingManager("BAPSicleServer") state = StateManager("BAPSicleServer", logger, default_state) # TODO: Check these match, if not, trigger any upgrade noticies / welcome state.update("server_version", config.VERSION) build_commit = "Dev" if isBundelled(): build_commit = build.BUILD state.update("server_build", build_commit) if isMacOS(): multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn", True) for channel in range(state.state["num_channels"]): channel_to_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) channel_from_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) ui_to_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) websocket_to_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) controller_to_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) # TODO Replace state with individual read-only StateManagers or something nicer? channel_p.append( multiprocessing.Process( target=player.Player, args=(channel, channel_to_q[-1], channel_from_q[-1], state) # daemon=True ) ) channel_p[channel].start() global api_from_q, api_to_q, api_handler, player_handler, websockets_server, controller_handler # , webserver api_to_q = multiprocessing.Queue() api_from_q = multiprocessing.Queue() api_handler = multiprocessing.Process( target=APIHandler, args=(api_to_q, api_from_q, state) ) api_handler.start() player_handler = multiprocessing.Process( target=PlayerHandler, args=(channel_from_q, websocket_to_q, ui_to_q, controller_to_q), ) player_handler.start() # Note, state here will become a copy in the process. # It will not update, and callbacks will not work :/ websockets_server = multiprocessing.Process( target=WebsocketServer, args=(channel_to_q, websocket_to_q, state) ) websockets_server.start() controller_handler = multiprocessing.Process( target=MattchBox, args=(channel_to_q, controller_to_q, state) ) controller_handler.start() webserver = multiprocessing.Process( target=WebServer, args=(channel_to_q, ui_to_q, api_to_q, api_from_q, state) ) webserver.start() # TODO Move this to player or installer. if False: if not isMacOS(): # Temporary RIP. # Welcome Speech text_to_speach = pyttsx3.init() text_to_speach.save_to_file( """Thank-you for installing BAPSicle - the play-out server from the broadcasting and presenting suite. By default, this server is accepting connections on port 13500 The version of the server service is {} Please refer to the documentation included with this application for further assistance.""".format( config.VERSION ), "dev/welcome.mp3", ) text_to_speach.runAndWait() new_item: Dict[str, Any] = { "channel_weight": 0, "filename": "dev/welcome.mp3", "title": "Welcome to BAPSicle", "artist": "University Radio York", } channel_to_q[0].put("ADD:" + json.dumps(new_item)) channel_to_q[0].put("LOAD:0") channel_to_q[0].put("PLAY") while True: time.sleep(10000) def stopServer(): global channel_p, channel_from_q, channel_to_q, websockets_server, controller_handler, webserver print("Stopping Controllers") if controller_handler: controller_handler.terminate() controller_handler.join() print("Stopping Websockets") websocket_to_q[0].put("WEBSOCKET:QUIT") if websockets_server: websockets_server.join() del websockets_server print("Stopping server.py") for q in channel_to_q: q.put("ALL:QUIT") for channel in channel_p: try: channel.join() except Exception as e: print("*** Ignoring exception:", e) pass finally: del channel del channel_from_q del channel_to_q print("Stopped all players.") print("Stopping webserver") if webserver: webserver.terminate() webserver.join() print("Stopped webserver") if __name__ == "__main__": raise Exception("BAPSicle is a service. Please run it like one.")