""" BAPSicle Server Next-gen audio playout server for University Radio York playout, based on WebStudio interface. Flask Server Authors: Matthew Stratford Michael Grace Date: October, November 2020 """ import multiprocessing import player from flask import Flask, render_template, send_from_directory, request import json import setproctitle import logging from helpers.os_environment import isMacOS from helpers.device_manager import DeviceManager if not isMacOS(): # Rip, this doesn't like threading on MacOS. import pyttsx3 import config from typing import Dict, List setproctitle.setproctitle("BAPSicle - Server") class BAPSicleServer(): def __init__(self): process_title = "Server" setproctitle.setproctitle(process_title) multiprocessing.current_process().name = process_title startServer() def __del__(self): stopServer() app = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='') log = logging.getLogger('werkzeug') log.disabled = True app.logger.disabled = True channel_to_q = [] channel_from_q = [] channel_p = [] stopping = False ### General Endpoints @app.errorhandler(404) def page_not_found(e): data = { 'ui_page': "404", "ui_title": "404" } return render_template('404.html', data=data), 404 @app.route("/") def ui_index(): data = { 'ui_page': "index", "ui_title": "" } return render_template('index.html', data=data) @app.route("/config") def ui_config(): channel_states = [] for i in range(3): channel_states.append(status(i)) outputs = DeviceManager.getOutputs() data = { 'channels': channel_states, 'outputs': outputs, 'ui_page': "config", "ui_title": "Config" } return render_template('config.html', data=data) @app.route("/status") def ui_status(): channel_states = [] for i in range(3): channel_states.append(status(i)) data = { 'channels': channel_states, 'ui_page': "status", "ui_title": "Status" } return render_template('status.html', data=data) ### Channel Audio Options @app.route("/player//play") def play(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("PLAY") return ui_status() @app.route("/player//pause") def pause(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("PAUSE") return ui_status() @app.route("/player//unpause") def unPause(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("UNPAUSE") return ui_status() @app.route("/player//stop") def stop(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("STOP") return ui_status() @app.route("/player//seek/") def seek(channel, pos): channel_to_q[channel].put("SEEK:" + str(pos)) return ui_status() @app.route("/player//output/") def output(channel, name): channel_to_q[channel].put("OUTPUT:" + name) return ui_status() @app.route("/player//autoadvance/") def autoadvance(channel: int, state: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("AUTOADVANCE:" + str(state)) return ui_status() @app.route("/player//repeat/") def repeat(channel: int, state): channel_to_q[channel].put("REPEAT:" + state.upper()) return ui_status() @app.route("/player//playonload/") def playonload(channel: int, state: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("PLAYONLOAD:" + str(state)) return ui_status() ### Channel Items @app.route("/player//load/") def load(channel:int, timeslotitemid: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("LOAD:" + str(timeslotitemid)) return ui_status() @app.route("/player//unload") def unload(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("UNLOAD") return ui_status() @app.route("/player//add", methods=["POST"]) def add_to_plan(channel: int): new_item: Dict[str, any] = { "timeslotitemid": int(request.form["timeslotitemid"]), "filename": request.form["filename"], "title": request.form["title"], "artist": request.form["artist"], } channel_to_q[channel].put("ADD:" + json.dumps(new_item)) return new_item @app.route("/player//move//") def move_plan(channel: int, timeslotitemid: int, position: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("MOVE:" + json.dumps({"timeslotitemid": timeslotitemid, "position": position})) #TODO Return return True @app.route("/player//remove/") def remove_plan(channel: int, timeslotitemid: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("REMOVE:" + timeslotitemid) #TODO Return return True @app.route("/player//clear") def clear_channel_plan(channel: int): channel_to_q[channel].put("CLEAR") #TODO Return return True ### General Channel Endpoints @app.route("/player//status") def status(channel): channel_to_q[channel].put("STATUS") while True: response = channel_from_q[channel].get() if response.startswith("STATUS:"): response = response[7:] response = response[response.index(":")+1:] try: response = json.loads(response) except: pass return response @app.route("/quit") def quit(): stopServer() return "Shutting down..." @app.route("/player/all/stop") def all_stop(): for channel in channel_to_q: channel.put("STOP") return ui_status() @app.route("/player/all/clear") def clear_all_channels(): for channel in channel_to_q: channel.put("CLEAR") return ui_status() @app.route('/static/') def send_static(path): return send_from_directory('ui-static', path) def startServer(): if isMacOS(): multiprocessing.set_start_method("spawn", True) for channel in range(3): channel_to_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) channel_from_q.append(multiprocessing.Queue()) channel_p.append( multiprocessing.Process( target=player.Player, args=(channel, channel_to_q[-1], channel_from_q[-1]), daemon=True ) ) channel_p[channel].start() if not isMacOS(): # Temporary RIP. # Welcome Speech text_to_speach = pyttsx3.init() text_to_speach.save_to_file( """Thank-you for installing BAPSicle - the play-out server from the broadcasting and presenting suite. This server is accepting connections on port {0} The version of the server service is {1} Please refer to the documentation included with this application for further assistance.""".format( config.PORT, config.VERSION ), "dev/welcome.mp3" ) text_to_speach.runAndWait() new_item: Dict[str, any] = { "timeslotitemid": 0, "filename": "dev/welcome.mp3", "title": "Welcome to BAPSicle", "artist": "University Radio York", } channel_to_q[0].put("ADD:" + json.dumps(new_item)) #channel_to_q[0].put("LOAD:0") #channel_to_q[0].put("PLAY") # Don't use reloader, it causes Nested Processes! app.run(host='', port=13500, debug=True, use_reloader=False) def stopServer(): print("Stopping server.py") for q in channel_to_q: q.put("QUIT") for player in channel_p: try: player.join() except: pass print("Stopped all players.") global stopping if stopping == False: stopping = True shutdown = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown') if shutdown is None: print("Shutting down Server.") else: print("Shutting down Flask.") shutdown() if __name__ == "__main__": print("BAPSicle is a service. Please run it like one.")