WebStudio is URY's big fun machine for doing radio shows from home, using Web Audio and WebRTC. It's also now home to BAPS Presenter, for the BAPS3 [(BAPSicle)](https://github.com/UniversityRadioYork/BAPSicle) project, a stripped down WebStudio with most interactions syphoned off to the BAPSicle server instead.
You'll probably want to change the values in `.env` to reflect the MyRadio environment and/or where the server is running (e.g. if you're running the server locally, change `REACT_APP_WS_URL` to `ws://localhost:8079/stream`).
This project provides two different output versions. WebStudio (a client that does all audio in the browser) and BAPS Presenter (a client that controls / displays info from the BAPSicle server).
Don't forget to ensure that both TypeScript and MyPy pass, as your code will be rejected by CI otherwise - run `tsc --noEmit` and/or `mypy server.py` to check.
1. Change the `version` field in `package.json` to ensure the "about" page is up to date
2. Push up your version bump and create a pull request to the `production` branch - https://github.com/UniversityRadioYork/WebStudio/compare/production...master
3. Once your changes are merged into `production` they'll get deployed automatically (although you will need to restart the server - ssh to Dolby and run `sudo systemctl restart webstudioserver`)
Start the client by running `npm run start-baps`. If you're running non-default settings for your BAPSicle development server, please change `.env-baps-development`.
#### Releasing a new version
This is done via the BAPSicle project by updating the `/presenter` submodule, since BAPS Presenter is built and packaged into the BAPS Server releases there.
If you want to demo build a BAPS Presenter release, run `npm run build-baps` and the result will be in the `build` directory.