import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; /// const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); /* * Memory Leak Tracer 2020 * written by Marks Polakovs, send all hate mail to * * Requirements: * puppeteer and ts-node installed globally * You will also need the NODE_PATH environment variable set to wherever your global node_modules is * To find it, run `yarn global bin` and replace /bin with /node_modules * (e.g. C:\Users\Marks\scoop\apps\yarn\current\global\node_modules) * * Usage: * Run this script as `ts-node --skip-project scripts/trace-memory-leak.ts` * substituting the URL for whatever URL you want to test. Don't include any query parameters, * the script will take care of it. * * It may redirect you to a MyRadio sign in page. Don't worry, it won't steal your password (yet). * * To skip login, put your MyRadio username and password into a file called ".credentials" like * `username:password` * * Once running, just wait until it prints out the status. In addition, if it detects the leak it will exit * with a code of 1 - useful in "git bisect" for example. * If something goes wrong that isn't a memory leak, it'll exit with an exit code over 128. */ const baseUrl = process.argv[2]; if (typeof baseUrl !== "string") { console.log("Expected a baseURL as the first and only parameter!"); process.exit(129); } // Specially doctored timeslot, do not change unless you know what you are doing! const TIMESLOT_ID = 147595; (async () => { try { console.log("Setting up..."); const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, defaultViewport: { width: 1366, height: 768 }, args: [`--window-size=1440,960`] }); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(baseUrl + "?timeslot_id=" + TIMESLOT_ID.toString(10)); await page.waitForNavigation({'waitUntil': 'networkidle0'}); if (page.url().indexOf("login") > -1) { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, ".credentials"))) { const [username, password] = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ".credentials"), { encoding: "utf-8" }).split(":"); await page.type("#myradio_login-user", username); await page.type("#myradio_login-password", password); if ((await page.$("#myradio_login-submit")) !== null) { await"#myradio_login-submit"); } try { await page.waitForSelector("#signin-submit", {visible: true, timeout: 10000}); await"#signin-submit"); } catch (e) { console.warn(e) console.warn("Signing in went a bit wrong, please do it manually. Thank!"); } } else { console.log("Please sign in in the browser window. Thank! (Choose whatever timeslot you like, it'll get ignored.)"); } } await page.waitForSelector(".ReactModal__Content", { visible: true }); await".ReactModal__Content button.btn-primary"); console.log("Starting test: loading songs 1-3"); await Promise.all([0,1,2].map(id =>`#channel-${id} div.item:nth-child(1)`))); await Promise.all([0,1,2].map(id => page.waitForSelector(`#channel-${id} wave canvas`, { visible: true }))); console.log("Songs loaded; waiting five seconds for memory usage to stabilise..."); await page.waitFor(5000); const stats1 = await page.metrics(); console.log(`JS Heap total at time ${stats1.Timestamp}: ${stats1.JSHeapTotalSize}, used ${stats1.JSHeapTotalSize}`); const arrayBufferHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => ArrayBuffer.prototype); const buffers1 = await page.queryObjects(arrayBufferHandle); const buffersCount1 = await page.evaluate(bufs => bufs.length, buffers1); console.log(`ArrayBuffers found: ${buffersCount1}`); await buffers1.dispose(); console.log("Loading songs 4-6...") await Promise.all([0,1,2].map(id =>`#channel-${id} div.item:nth-child(2)`))); await page.waitFor(1000); await Promise.all([0,1,2].map(id => page.waitForSelector(`#channel-${id} wave canvas`, { visible: true }))); console.log("Songs loaded; waiting five seconds for memory usage to stabilise..."); await page.waitFor(5000); const stats2 = await page.metrics(); console.log(`JS Heap total at time ${stats2.Timestamp}: ${stats2.JSHeapTotalSize}, used ${stats2.JSHeapTotalSize}`); const buffers2 = await page.queryObjects(arrayBufferHandle); const buffersCount2 = await page.evaluate(bufs => bufs.length, buffers2); console.log(`ArrayBuffers found: ${buffersCount2}`); await buffers2.dispose(); console.log("\r\n\r\n"); const leakThresholdHeap = stats1.JSHeapUsedSize * 1.5; const leakThresholdBuffers = buffersCount1 * 1.5; console.log(`Leak threshold: heap ${leakThresholdHeap}, buffers ${leakThresholdBuffers}`) const leakDetected = (stats2.JSHeapUsedSize > leakThresholdHeap) || ((buffersCount2 * 1.0) > leakThresholdBuffers); console.log(leakDetected ? "\r\n\r\nLeak detected!\r\n\r\n" : "\r\n\r\nLeak not detected!\r\n\r\n"); console.log("Cleaning up..."); await arrayBufferHandle.dispose(); await page.close(); await browser.close(); console.log("Done!"); process.exit(leakDetected ? 1 : 0); } catch (e) { console.error("Something exploded!"); console.error(e); process.exit(130); } })();