import asyncio import websockets import json import uuid import av # type: ignore import struct from aiortc import MediaStreamTrack, RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription # type: ignore from import MediaBlackhole, MediaPlayer # type: ignore import jack as Jack # type: ignore import os import re from datetime import datetime from typing import Optional, Any, Type, Dict from types import TracebackType import sys import aiohttp from raygun4py import raygunprovider # type: ignore import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()"shittyserver.ini") ENABLE_EXCEPTION_LOGGING = False if ENABLE_EXCEPTION_LOGGING: def handle_exception( exc_type: Type[BaseException], exc_value: BaseException, exc_traceback: TracebackType, ) -> None: cl = raygunprovider.RaygunSender(config["raygun"]["key"]) cl.send_exception(exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.excepthook = handle_exception file_contents_ex = re.compile(r"^ws=\d$") def write_ob_status(status: bool) -> None: if not os.path.exists("/music/ob_state.conf"): print("OB State file does not exist. Bailing.") return with open("/music/ob_state.conf", "r+") as fd: content = if "ws" in content: content = re.sub(file_contents_ex, "ws=" + str(1 if status else 0), content) else: if len(content) > 0 and content[len(content) - 1] != "\n": content += "\n" content += "ws=" + str(1 if status else 0) + "\n" fd.write(content) fd.truncate() @Jack.set_error_function # type: ignore def error(msg: str) -> None: print("Error:", msg) @Jack.set_info_function # type: ignore def info(msg: str) -> None: print("Info:", msg) jack = Jack.Client("webstudio") out1 = jack.outports.register("out_0") out2 = jack.outports.register("out_1") transfer_buffer1: Any = None transfer_buffer2: Any = None def init_buffers() -> None: global transfer_buffer1, transfer_buffer2 transfer_buffer1 = Jack.RingBuffer(jack.samplerate * 10) transfer_buffer2 = Jack.RingBuffer(jack.samplerate * 10) init_buffers() @jack.set_process_callback # type: ignore def process(frames: int) -> None: buf1 = out1.get_buffer() piece1 = buf1[: len(piece1)] = piece1 buf2 = out2.get_buffer() piece2 = buf2[: len(piece2)] = piece2 class JackSender(object): resampler: Any def __init__(self, track: MediaStreamTrack) -> None: self.track = track self.resampler = None self.ended = False def end(self) -> None: self.ended = True async def process(self) -> None: while True: if self.ended: break frame = await self.track.recv() # Right, depending on the format, we may need to do some fuckery. # Jack expects all audio to be 32 bit floating point # while PyAV may give us audio in any format # (my testing has shown it to be signed 16-bit) # We use PyAV to resample it into the right format if self.resampler is None: self.resampler = format="fltp", layout="stereo", rate=jack.samplerate ) frame.pts = None # DIRTY HACK new_frame = self.resampler.resample(frame) transfer_buffer1.write(new_frame.planes[0]) transfer_buffer2.write(new_frame.planes[1]) active_sessions: Dict[str, "Session"] = {} live_session: Optional['Session'] = None async def notify_mattserver_about_sessions() -> None: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: data: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} for sid, sess in active_sessions.items(): data[sid] = sess.to_dict() await["mattserver"]["notify_url"], json=data) class NotReadyException(BaseException): pass class Session(object): websocket: Optional[websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol] sender: Optional[JackSender] connection_state: Optional[str] pc: Optional[Any] connection_id: str lock: asyncio.Lock def __init__(self) -> None: self.websocket = None self.sender = None self.pc = None self.connection_state = None self.connection_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.ended = False self.lock = asyncio.Lock() def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {"connection_id": self.connection_id} async def activate(self) -> None: print(self.connection_id, "Activating") if self.sender is None: print(self.connection_id, "... but we don't have a sender!") raise NotReadyException() else: await self.sender.process() async def end(self) -> None: global active_sessions async with self.lock: if self.ended: print(self.connection_id, "already over") else: print(self.connection_id, "going away") if self.sender is not None: self.sender.end() if self.pc is not None: await self.pc.close() init_buffers() if self.websocket is not None and self.websocket.state == websockets.protocol.State.OPEN: await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"kind": "REPLACED"})) await self.websocket.close(1008) if self.connection_id in active_sessions: del active_sessions[self.connection_id] if len(active_sessions) == 0: write_ob_status(False) else: print(self.connection_id, "wasn't in active_sessions!") if live_session == self: live_session = None await notify_mattserver_about_sessions() print(self.connection_id, "bye bye") self.ended = True def create_peerconnection(self) -> None: self.pc = RTCPeerConnection() assert self.pc is not None @self.pc.on("signalingstatechange") # type: ignore async def on_signalingstatechange() -> None: assert self.pc is not None print( self.connection_id, "Signaling state is {}".format(self.pc.signalingState), ) @self.pc.on("iceconnectionstatechange") # type: ignore async def on_iceconnectionstatechange() -> None: if self.pc is None: print( self.connection_id, "ICE connection state change, but the PC is None!", ) else: print( self.connection_id, "ICE connection state is {}".format(self.pc.iceConnectionState), ) if self.pc.iceConnectionState == "failed": await self.end() @self.pc.on("track") # type: ignore async def on_track(track: MediaStreamTrack) -> None: global active_sessions print(self.connection_id, "Received track") if track.kind == "audio": print(self.connection_id, "Adding to Jack.") await notify_mattserver_about_sessions() @track.on("ended") # type: ignore async def on_ended() -> None: print(self.connection_id, "Track {} ended".format(track.kind)) # TODO: this doesn't exactly handle reconnecting gracefully await self.end() self.sender = JackSender(track) write_ob_status(True) async def process_ice(self, message: Any) -> None: if self.connection_state == "HELLO" and message["kind"] == "OFFER": offer = RTCSessionDescription(sdp=message["sdp"], type=message["type"]) print(self.connection_id, "Received offer") self.create_peerconnection() assert self.pc is not None await self.pc.setRemoteDescription(offer) answer = await self.pc.createAnswer() await self.pc.setLocalDescription(answer) assert self.websocket is not None await self.websocket.send( json.dumps( { "kind": "ANSWER", "type": self.pc.localDescription.type, "sdp": self.pc.localDescription.sdp, } ) ) self.connection_state = "ANSWER" print(self.connection_id, "Sent answer") else: print( self.connection_state, "Incorrect kind {} for state {}".format( message["kind"], self.connection_state ), ) async def connect(self, websocket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol) -> None: global active_sessions active_sessions[self.connection_id] = self self.websocket = websocket self.connection_state = "HELLO" print(self.connection_id, "Connected") # TODO Raygun user ID await websocket.send( json.dumps({"kind": "HELLO", "connectionId": self.connection_id}) ) try: async for msg in websocket: data = json.loads(msg) if data["kind"] == "OFFER": await self.process_ice(data) elif data["kind"] == "TIME": time = await websocket.send(json.dumps({"kind": "TIME", "time": str(time)})) else: print(self.connection_id, "Unknown kind {}".format(data["kind"])) await websocket.send( json.dumps({"kind": "ERROR", "error": "unknown_kind"}) ) except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: print(self.connection_id, "WebSocket closed") await self.end() async def serve(websocket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol, path: str) -> None: if path == "/stream": session = Session() await session.connect(websocket) else: pass start_server = websockets.serve(serve, "localhost", int(config["ports"]["websocket"])) print("Shittyserver WS starting on port {}.".format(config["ports"]["websocket"])) async def telnet_server( reader: asyncio.StreamReader, writer: asyncio.StreamWriter ) -> None: global active_sessions, live_session while True: data = await if not data: break data_str = data.decode("utf-8") parts = data_str.rstrip().split(" ") print(parts) if parts[0] == "Q": result: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} for sid, sess in active_sessions.items(): result[sid] = sess.to_dict() writer.write((json.dumps(result) + "\r\n").encode("utf-8")) elif parts[0] == "SEL": sid = parts[1] if sid == "NUL": if live_session is not None: await live_session.end() writer.write("OKAY\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: writer.write("WONT\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: session = active_sessions[sid] if session is None: writer.write("FAIL\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: if live_session is not None: await live_session.end() asyncio.ensure_future(session.activate()) live_session = session writer.write("OKAY\r\n".encode("utf-8")) else: writer.write("WHAT\r\n".encode("utf-8")) await writer.drain() writer.close() async def run_telnet_server() -> None: server = await asyncio.start_server( telnet_server, "localhost", int(config["ports"]["telnet"]) ) await server.serve_forever() jack.activate() print("Shittyserver TELNET starting on port {}".format(config["ports"]["telnet"])) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(notify_mattserver_about_sessions()) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.gather(start_server, run_telnet_server())) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()