import asyncio import websockets import json import uuid import av import struct from aiortc import MediaStreamTrack, RTCPeerConnection, RTCSessionDescription from import MediaBlackhole, MediaPlayer import jack as Jack import os import re from datetime import datetime file_contents_ex = re.compile(r"^ws=\d$") def write_ob_status(status): if not os.path.exists("/music/ob_state.conf"): print("OB State file does not exist. Bailing.") return with open("/music/ob_state.conf", "r") as fd: content = if "ws" in content: content = re.sub(file_contents_ex, "ws=" + str(1 if status else 0), content) else: if content[len(content) - 1] != "\n": content += "\n" content += "ws=" + (1 if status else 0) + "\n" fd.write(content) fd.truncate() @Jack.set_error_function def error(msg): print("Error:", msg) @Jack.set_info_function def info(msg): print("Info:", msg) jack = Jack.Client("webstudio") out1 = jack.outports.register("out_0") out2 = jack.outports.register("out_1") def init_buffers(): global transfer_buffer1, transfer_buffer2 transfer_buffer1 = Jack.RingBuffer(jack.samplerate * 10) transfer_buffer2 = Jack.RingBuffer(jack.samplerate * 10) init_buffers() @jack.set_process_callback def process(frames): buf1 = out1.get_buffer() piece1 = buf1[: len(piece1)] = piece1 buf2 = out2.get_buffer() piece2 = buf2[: len(piece2)] = piece2 class JackSender(object): def __init__(self, track): self.track = track self.resampler = None self.ended = False def end(): self.ended = True async def process(self): while True: if self.ended: break frame = await self.track.recv() # Right, depending on the format, we may need to do some fuckery. # Jack expects all audio to be 32 bit floating point # while PyAV may give us audio in any format # (my testing has shown it to be signed 16-bit) # We use PyAV to resample it into the right format if self.resampler is None: self.resampler = format="fltp", layout="stereo", rate=jack.samplerate ) frame.pts = None # DIRTY HACK new_frame = self.resampler.resample(frame) transfer_buffer1.write(new_frame.planes[0]) transfer_buffer2.write(new_frame.planes[1]) current_session = None class Session(object): def __init__(self): self.websocket = None self.sender = None self.pc = None self.connection_state = None async def end(): print(self.connection_id, "going away") if self.sender is not None: self.sender.end() await self.pc.close() init_buffers() write_ob_status(False) await self.websocket.send(json.dumps({"kind": "REPLACED"})) def create_peerconnection(self): self.pc = RTCPeerConnection() @self.pc.on("signalingstatechange") async def on_signalingstatechange(): print( self.connection_id, "Signaling state is {}".format(self.pc.signalingState), ) @self.pc.on("iceconnectionstatechange") async def on_iceconnectionstatechange(): print( self.connection_id, "ICE connection state is {}".format(self.pc.iceConnectionState), ) if self.pc.iceConnectionState == "failed": await self.pc.close() self.pc = None await websocket.close(1008) return @self.pc.on("track") async def on_track(track): global current_session print(self.connection_id, "Received track") if track.kind == "audio": print(self.connection_id, "Adding to Jack.") @track.on("ended") async def on_ended(): print(self.connection_id, "Track {} ended".format(track.kind)) # TODO: this doesn't exactly handle reconnecting gracefully self.end() self.sender = JackSender(track) if current_session is not None: await current_session.end() current_session = self write_ob_status(True) await self.sender.process() async def process_ice(self, message): if self.connection_state == "HELLO" and message["kind"] == "OFFER": offer = RTCSessionDescription(sdp=message["sdp"], type=message["type"]) print(self.connection_id, "Received offer") self.create_peerconnection() await self.pc.setRemoteDescription(offer) answer = await self.pc.createAnswer() await self.pc.setLocalDescription(answer) await websocket.send( json.dumps( { "kind": "ANSWER", "type": self.pc.localDescription.type, "sdp": self.pc.localDescription.sdp, } ) ) self.connection_state = "ANSWER" print(self.connection_id, "Sent answer") else: print( self.connection_state, "Incorrect kind {} for state {}".format( message["kind"], self.connection_state ), ) async def connect(self, websocket): self.websocket = websocket self.connection_id = uuid.uuid4() self.connection_state = "HELLO" print(self.connection_id, "Connected") await websocket.send( json.dumps({"kind": "HELLO", "connectionId": str(self.connection_id)}) ) async for msg in websocket: data = json.loads(msg) if data["kind"] == "OFFER": await self.process_ice(data) elif data["kind"] == "TIME": time = await websocket.send(json.dumps({"kind": "TIME", "time": str(time)})) else: print(self.connection_id, "Unknown kind {}".format(data["kind"])) await websocket.send( json.dumps({"kind": "ERROR", "error": "unknown_kind"}) ) async def serve(websocket, path): if path == "/stream": session = Session() await session.connect(websocket) else: pass WS_PORT = 8079 jack.activate() start_server = websockets.serve(serve, "localhost", WS_PORT) print("Shittyserver starting on port {}.".format(WS_PORT)) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(start_server) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_forever()