mirror of
synced 2024-11-25 10:40:51 +00:00
288 lines
10 KiB
288 lines
10 KiB
Line: 3
pyflakes: F401 / '.arg_parse.Args' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 43
pylint: consider-using-dict-comprehension / Consider using a dictionary comprehension (col 15)
Line: 147
pylint: trailing-newlines / Trailing newlines
Line: 1
pylint: blacklisted-name / Black listed name "bar"
Line: 3
pylint: unused-import / Unused import re
Line: 4
pylint: unused-import / Unused import subprocess
Line: 8
pylint: unused-import / Unused PIPE imported from subprocess
Line: 11
pylint: unused-import / Unused Command imported from commandtypes
Line: 12
pylint: unused-import / Unused terminate imported from utils
Line: 99
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (7/5)
Line: 5
pylint: unsubscriptable-object / Value 'Union' is unsubscriptable (col 15)
Line: 11
pylint: inherit-non-class / Inheriting 'NamedTuple', which is not a class.
Line: 48
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 13)
Line: 60
pylint: pointless-string-statement / String statement has no effect (col 4)
Line: 81
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 17)
Line: 87
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 17)
Line: 114
pylint: import-outside-toplevel / Import outside toplevel (resource) (col 8)
Line: 174
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "else" after "return" (col 4)
Line: 4
pylint: unused-import / Unused import shlex
Line: 19
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 8)
Line: 62
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 24)
Line: 68
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 8)
Line: 6
pep8: N816 / variable 'doneFileLock' in global scope should not be mixedCase (col 2)
Line: 8
pylint: unused-import / Unused numpy imported as np
Line: 11
pylint: unused-import / Unused Command imported from Av1an.commandtypes
Line: 25
pylint: unidiomatic-typecheck / Using type() instead of isinstance() for a typecheck. (col 11)
Line: 19
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 8)
Line: 13
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (7/5) (col 4)
Line: 37
pylint: unsubscriptable-object / Value 'Optional' is unsubscriptable (col 41)
Line: 3
pylint: unused-import / Unused import os
Line: 87
pylint: too-many-locals / Too many local variables (16/15)
Line: 53
pylint: inconsistent-return-statements / Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should. (col 4)
Line: 17
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (7/5) (col 4)
Line: 53
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 65
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 74
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 82
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 84
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (7/5) (col 4)
Line: 111
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'project' (col 23)
Line: 136
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 145
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 69
pylint: unnecessary-pass / Unnecessary pass statement (col 8)
Line: 58
pylint: inconsistent-return-statements / Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should. (col 4)
Line: 68
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (7/5) (col 4)
Line: 80
pylint: unused-variable / Unused variable 'filter_cmd' (col 8)
Line: 14
pylint: useless-object-inheritance / Class 'Ui_Av1an_main_windows' inherits from object, can be safely removed from bases in python3
Line: 15
pylint: too-many-statements / Too many statements (167/60) (col 4)
Line: 63
pylint: trailing-newlines / Trailing newlines
Line: 6
pylint: useless-object-inheritance / Class 'Project' inherits from object, can be safely removed from bases in python3
Line: 89
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "else" after "return" (col 8)
Line: 140
pylint: trailing-newlines / Trailing newlines
Line: 1
pyflakes: F401 / '.Project.Project' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 1
pyflakes: F401 / '.pyscene.pyscene' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 2
pyflakes: F401 / '.aom_kf.aom_keyframes' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 10
pylint: unused-import / Unused import cv2
Line: 15
pylint: unused-import / Unused frame_probe imported from Av1an.utils
Line: 50
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "else" after "return" (col 4)
Line: 57
pylint: too-many-locals / Too many local variables (28/15)
Line: 88
pep8: E712 / comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:' (col 16)
pylint: too-many-boolean-expressions / Too many boolean expressions in if statement (11/5) (col 7)
pep8: E501 / line too long (708 > 159 characters) (col 160)
pylint: singleton-comparison / Comparison to False should be 'not expr' (col 9)
Line: 108
pylint: too-many-boolean-expressions / Too many boolean expressions in if statement (6/5) (col 15)
Line: 182
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (6/5)
pylint: too-many-locals / Too many local variables (19/15)
Line: 9
pylint: consider-using-sys-exit / Consider using sys.exit() (col 8)
Line: 18
pylint: consider-using-sys-exit / Consider using sys.exit() (col 8)
Line: 23
pylint: trailing-newlines / Trailing newlines
Line: 17
pylint: unused-import / Unused is_vapoursynth imported from Av1an.vapoursynth
Line: 50
pylint: import-outside-toplevel / Import outside toplevel (vapoursynth) (col 12)
Line: 59
pylint: bare-except / No exception type(s) specified (col 8)
Line: 82
pylint: import-outside-toplevel / Import outside toplevel (vapoursynth) (col 12)
Line: 215
pylint: trailing-newlines / Trailing newlines
Line: 11
pylint: subprocess-run-check / Using subprocess.run without explicitly set `check` is not recommended. (col 8)
Line: 33
pylint: unsubscriptable-object / Value 'Union' is unsubscriptable (col 57)
Line: 1
pyflakes: F401 / '.per_shot.*' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 3
pylint: unused-import / Unused process_pipe imported from Av1an.bar
Line: 5
pylint: unused-import / Unused Command imported from Av1an.commandtypes
Line: 6
pylint: unused-import / Unused log imported from Av1an.logger
Line: 7
pylint: unused-import / Unused call_vmaf imported from VMAF
Line: 8
pylint: unused-import / Unused read_json imported from VMAF
Line: 24
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'frame_list' (col 18)
Line: 28
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'frame_list' (col 20)
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'chunk' (col 32)
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'args' (col 39)
Line: 32
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (6/5)
Line: 53
pylint: consider-using-sys-exit / Consider using sys.exit() (col 8)
Line: 64
pylint: unused-variable / Unused variable 'frame_list' (col 4)
Line: 4
pylint: unused-import / Unused log imported from math as ln
Line: 6
pylint: unused-import / Unused import subprocess
Line: 7
pylint: unused-import / Unused STDOUT imported from subprocess
Line: 19
pylint: unused-import / Unused process_pipe imported from Av1an.bar
Line: 21
pylint: unused-import / Unused CommandPair imported from Av1an.commandtypes
Line: 75
pylint: too-many-locals / Too many local variables (20/15)
pylint: too-many-statements / Too many statements (67/60)
mccabe: MC0001 / per_shot_target_quality is too complex (16)
Line: 150
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (col 4)
Line: 9
pylint: unused-import / Unused read_json imported from VMAF
Line: 14
pylint: inconsistent-return-statements / Either all return statements in a function should return an expression, or none of them should.
pylint: unused-argument / Unused argument 'rate' (col 23)
Line: 24
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "elif" after "return" (col 4)
Line: 1
pyflakes: F401 / '.vmaf.*' imported but unused (col 1)
Line: 11
pylint: unused-import / Unused numpy imported as np
Line: 36
pylint: too-many-arguments / Too many arguments (8/5)
pylint: too-many-locals / Too many local variables (20/15)
Line: 50
pylint: redefined-builtin / Redefining built-in 'filter' (col 4)
Line: 106
pylint: no-else-return / Unnecessary "else" after "return" (col 4)
Line: 10
pyflakes: F405 / 'Args' may be undefined, or defined from star imports: Av1an (col 18)
Check Information
Started: 2020-12-09 20:15:47.210090
Finished: 2020-12-09 20:15:58.152470
Time Taken: 10.94 seconds
Formatter: grouped
Profiles: default, no_doc_warnings, no_test_warnings, strictness_medium, strictness_high, strictness_veryhigh, no_member_warnings
Strictness: None
Libraries Used:
Tools Run: dodgy, mccabe, pep8, profile-validator, pyflakes, pylint
Messages Found: 108