![av1an fully utilizing a 96-core CPU for video encoding](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/804148977347330048/928879953825640458/av1an_preview.jpg)
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Av1an is a video encoding framework. It can increase your encoding speed and improve cpu utilization by running multiple encoder processes in parallel. Target quality, VMAF plotting, and more, available to take advantage for video encoding.
Note that Av1an requires the executable encoder. If you use a package manager to install encoders, check that the installation includes an executable encoder (e.g. vpxenc, SvtAv1EncApp) from the list above. Just installing the library (e.g. libvpx, libSvtAv1Enc) is not enough.
av1an can be installed from package managers, cargo.io, or compliled manually. There are also pre-built [Docker images](/docs/DOCKER.md) which include all dependencies and are frequently updated.
For Windows users, prebuilt binaries are also included in every [release](https://github.com/master-of-zen/Av1an/releases), and a [nightly build](https://github.com/master-of-zen/Av1an/releases/tag/latest) of the current `master` branch is also available.
- [DGDecNV](https://www.rationalqm.us/dgdecnv/dgdecnv.html) Vapoursynth plugin for very fast and accurate chunking, `dgindexnv` executable needs to be present in system path and an NVIDIA GPU with CUVID
If you want to install the L-SMASH or ffms2 plugins and are on Windows, then you have [two installation options](http://vapoursynth.com/doc/installation.html#plugins-and-scripts). The easiest way is using the included plugin script: