mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 18:18:06 +00:00
Experimental per frame target quality for svt-av1
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 107 additions and 71 deletions
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ def startup(project: Project, chunk_queue: List[Chunk]):
project.workers = min(project.workers, clips)
print(f'\rQueue: {clips} Workers: {project.workers} Passes: {project.passes}\n'
f'Params: {" ".join(project.video_params)}')
counter = Manager().Counter(project.get_frames(), initial)
project.counter = counter
@ -119,45 +120,40 @@ def encode(chunk: Chunk, project: Project):
:param project: The cli project
:return: None
st_time = time.time()
st_time = time.time()
chunk_frames = chunk.frames
chunk_frames = chunk.frames
log(f'Enc: {chunk.name}, {chunk_frames} fr\n\n')
log(f'Enc: {chunk.name}, {chunk_frames} fr\n\n')
# Target Quality Mode
if project.target_quality:
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_shot':
per_shot_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_frame':
per_frame_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
# Target Quality Mode
if project.target_quality:
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_shot':
per_shot_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_frame':
per_frame_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_before_chunk(project, chunk)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_before_chunk(project, chunk)
# skip first pass if reusing
start = 2 if project.reuse_first_pass and project.passes >= 2 else 1
# skip first pass if reusing
start = 2 if project.reuse_first_pass and project.passes >= 2 else 1
# Run all passes for this chunk
for current_pass in range(start, project.passes + 1):
tqdm_bar(project, chunk, project.encoder, project.counter, chunk_frames, project.passes, current_pass)
# Run all passes for this chunk
for current_pass in range(start, project.passes + 1):
tqdm_bar(project, chunk, project.encoder, project.counter, chunk_frames, project.passes, current_pass)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_after_chunk(project, chunk)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_after_chunk(project, chunk)
# get the number of encoded frames, if no check assume it worked and encoded same number of frames
encoded_frames = chunk_frames if project.no_check else frame_check_output(chunk, chunk_frames)
# get the number of encoded frames, if no check assume it worked and encoded same number of frames
encoded_frames = chunk_frames if project.no_check else frame_check_output(chunk, chunk_frames)
# write this chunk as done if it encoded correctly
if encoded_frames == chunk_frames:
write_progress_file(Path(project.temp / 'done.json'), chunk, encoded_frames)
# write this chunk as done if it encoded correctly
if encoded_frames == chunk_frames:
write_progress_file(Path(project.temp / 'done.json'), chunk, encoded_frames)
enc_time = round(time.time() - st_time, 2)
log(f'Done: {chunk.name} Fr: {encoded_frames}\n'
f'Fps: {round(encoded_frames / enc_time, 4)} Time: {enc_time} sec.\n\n')
except Exception as e:
_, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
print(f'Error in encoding loop {e}\nAt line {exc_tb.tb_lineno}')
enc_time = round(time.time() - st_time, 2)
log(f'Done: {chunk.name} Fr: {encoded_frames}\n'
f'Fps: {round(encoded_frames / enc_time, 4)} Time: {enc_time} sec.\n\n')
def frame_check_output(chunk: Chunk, expected_frames: int) -> int:
@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ class Chunk:
self.temp: Path = temp
self.frames: int = frames
self.output_ext: str = output_ext
self.per_shot_target_quality_cq: Optional[int] = None
self.per_shot_target_quality_cq = None
self.per_frame_target_quality_q_list = None
def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
@ -116,3 +117,17 @@ class Chunk:
chunk = Chunk(temp, d['index'], d['ffmpeg_gen_cmd'], d['output_ext'], d['size'], d['frames'])
chunk.per_shot_target_quality_cq = d['per_shot_target_quality_cq']
return chunk
def make_q_file(self, q_list):
qfile = self.fake_input_path.with_name(f'q_file_{self.name}').with_suffix('.txt')
with open(qfile, 'w') as fl:
text = ''
for x in q_list:
text += str(x) + '\n'
return qfile
@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ class Encoder(ABC):
:return: match object from re.search matching the number of encoded frames"""
def mod_command(self, command, chunk):
def make_pipes(self, a: Project, c: Chunk, passes: int, current_pass: int, output: str, man_q: int = None):
Creates a pipe for the given chunk with the given args
@ -100,6 +103,9 @@ class Encoder(ABC):
elif c.per_shot_target_quality_cq:
enc_cmd = self.man_q(enc_cmd, c.per_shot_target_quality_cq)
elif c.per_frame_target_quality_q_list:
enc_cmd = self.mod_command(enc_cmd, c)
ffmpeg_gen_pipe = subprocess.Popen(c.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL)
ffmpeg_pipe = subprocess.Popen(filter_cmd, stdin=ffmpeg_gen_pipe.stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(enc_cmd, stdin=ffmpeg_pipe.stdout, stdout=PIPE,
@ -42,6 +42,25 @@ class SvtAv1(Encoder):
def mod_command(self, command, chunk) -> Command:
"""Return new command with q_file
:param command: old command
:param q: q list
:return: command with new cq value"""
adjusted_command = command.copy()
i = list_index_of_regex(adjusted_command, r"(--qp|-q)")
qp_file = chunk.make_q_file(chunk.per_frame_target_quality_q_list)
new = ['--use-q-file','1', '--qpfile', f'{qp_file.as_posix()}']
new_cmd = adjusted_command[:i] + new + adjusted_command[i+2:]
return new_cmd
def man_q(self, command: Command, q: int) -> Command:
"""Return command with new cq value
@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ from Av1an.commandtypes import CommandPair, Command
from Av1an.logger import log
from VMAF import call_vmaf, read_weighted_vmaf, read_json
from .target_quality import gen_probes_names, make_pipes, vmaf_probe, weighted_search
from scipy import interpolate
import pprint
import numpy as np
def per_frame_target_quality_routine(project: Project, chunk: Chunk):
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ def per_frame_target_quality_routine(project: Project, chunk: Chunk):
:param chunk: the Chunk
:return: None
chunk.per_frame_target_quality_cq = per_frame_target_quality(chunk, project)
chunk.per_frame_target_quality_q_list = per_frame_target_quality(chunk, project)
def make_q_file(q_list, chunk):
@ -28,7 +30,6 @@ def make_q_file(q_list, chunk):
for x in q_list:
text += str(x) + '\n'
return qfile
@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ def per_frame_probe_cmd(chunk: Chunk, q, ffmpeg_pipe, encoder, probing_rate, qp_
def per_frame_probe(q_list, q, chunk, project):
qfile = make_q_file(q_list, chunk)
qfile = chunk.make_q_file(q_list)
cmd = per_frame_probe_cmd(chunk, q, project.ffmpeg_pipe, project.encoder, 1, qfile)
pipe = make_pipes(chunk.ffmpeg_gen_cmd, cmd)
process_pipe(pipe, chunk)
@ -85,53 +86,64 @@ def add_probes_to_frame_list(frame_list, q_list, vmafs):
return frame_list
def per_frame_target_quality(chunk, project):
frames = chunk.frames
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4).pprint
# First q value to make probe at
middle_point = (project.min_q + project.max_q) // 2
frame_list = [{'frame_number': x, 'probes': []} for x in range(frames)]
# Initial q list
for i in range(project.probes):
if i == 0:
q_list = [ middle_point for x in range(frames)]
elif i == 1:
q_list = gen_border_probes_q(frame_list, project.min_q, project.max_q, project.target_quality)
q_list = gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk, project)
for _ in range(project.probes):
q_list = gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk, project)
vmafs = per_frame_probe(q_list, 1, chunk, project)
frame_list = add_probes_to_frame_list(frame_list, q_list, vmafs)
mse = round(get_square_error([x['probes'][-1][1] for x in frame_list] ,project.target_quality), 2)
# print(':: MSE:', mse)
print(get_square_error([x['probes'][-1][1] for x in frame_list] ,project.target_quality))
if mse < 1.0:
return q_list
return q_list
def get_square_error(ls, target):
total = 0
for i in ls:
dif = i - target
total += dif ** 2
mse = total / len(ls)
return mse
def gen_border_probes_q(frame_list, min_q, max_q, target):
def gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk, project):
q_list = []
for probe in frame_list:
probes = len(frame_list[0]['probes'])
if probe['probes'][0][1] < target:
if probes == 0:
return [project.min_q] * len(frame_list)
elif probes == 1:
return [project.max_q] * len(frame_list)
for probe in frame_list:
x = [x[0] for x in probe['probes']]
y = [x[1] for x in probe['probes']]
if probes > 2:
if len(x) != len(set(x)):
interpolation = 'quadratic' if probes > 2 else 'linear'
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - project.target_quality))
return q_list
return q_list
def search(q1, v1, q2, v2, target):
@ -152,18 +164,6 @@ def search(q1, v1, q2, v2, target):
return new_point
def gen_next_q(frame_list, chunk, project):
q_list = []
for probe in frame_list:
p1, p2 = probe['probes'][-2:]
q_list.append(search(p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1], project.target_quality))
return q_list
def frame_types_probe(chunk: Chunk, q, ffmpeg_pipe, encoder, probing_rate, qp_file) -> CommandPair:
Reference in a new issue