#!/usr/bin/python3 """ mkvmerge required (python-pymkv) ffmpeg required TODO: DONE make encoding queue with limiting by workers DONE make concatenating videos after encoding DONE make passing your arguments for encoding, 2-pass encode by default for better quality make separate audio and encode it separately, """ import os from os.path import join from psutil import virtual_memory from subprocess import Popen, call import argparse import time from shutil import rmtree from math import ceil from multiprocessing import Pool try: import scenedetect except ImportError: print('ERROR: No PyScenedetect installed, try: sudo pip install scenedetect') #-w 252 -h 144 DEFAULT_ENCODE = ' -w 35 -h 20 --passes=1 --cpu-used=8 --end-usage=q --cq-level=63 --aq-mode=0' DEFAULT_AUDIO = '-c:a libopus -ac 1 -b:a 12k' FFMPEG = 'ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel warning ' class ProgressBar: """ Progress Bar for tracking encoding progress """ def __init__(self, tasks): self.iteration: int = 0 self.tasks = tasks # Print on empty bar on initialization self.print() def print(self): terminal_size = int(os.popen('stty size', 'r').read().split()[1]) bar_length = terminal_size - (2 * len(str(self.tasks))) - 11 if self.iteration == 0: percent = 0 fill_size = 0 else: percent = round(100 * (self.iteration / self.tasks), 1) fill_size = int(self.bar_length * self.iteration // self.tasks) end = f'{percent}% {self.iteration}/{self.tasks}' in_bar = ('█' * fill_size) + '-' * (self.bar_length - fill_size) print(f'\r|{in_bar}| {end} ', end='') def tick(self): self.iteration += 1 self.print() def arg_parsing(): """ Command line parser Have default params """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--encoding_params', type=str, default=DEFAULT_ENCODE, help='AOMENC settings') parser.add_argument('--input_file', '-i', type=str, default='bruh.mp4', help='input video file') parser.add_argument('--num_worker', '-t', type=int, default=determine_resources(), help='number of encodes running at a time') parser.add_argument('--audio_params', '-a' , type=str, default=DEFAULT_AUDIO, help='ffmpeg audio encode settings') return parser.parse_args() def determine_resources(): """ Returns number of workers that machine can handle :return: int """ cpu = os.cpu_count() ram = round(virtual_memory().total / 2**30) return ceil(min(cpu, ram/1.5)) def setup(input_file): if not os.path.exists(input_file): print("File don't exist") exit() # Make temporal directories, and remove them if already presented if os.path.isdir(join(os.getcwd(), "temp")): rmtree(join(os.getcwd(), "temp")) os.makedirs(join(os.getcwd(), 'temp', 'split')) os.makedirs(join(os.getcwd(), 'temp', 'encode')) def extract_audio(input_vid, audio_params): """ Extracting audio from video file Encoding audio if needed """ cmd = f'{FFMPEG} -i {join(os.getcwd(),input_vid)} -vn {audio_params} {join(os.getcwd(),"temp","audio.mkv")}' Popen(cmd, shell=True).wait() def split_video(input_vid): """ PySceneDetect used split video by scenes and pass it to encoder Optimal threshold settings 15-50 """ cmd2 = f'scenedetect -q -i {input_vid} --output temp/split detect-content --threshold 50 split-video -c' call(cmd2, shell=True) print(f'Video {input_vid} splitted') def get_video_queue(source_path): videos = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_path): for file in files: f = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, file)) videos.append([file, f]) videos = sorted(videos, key=lambda x: -x[1]) print(f'Splited videos: {len(videos)}') return videos def encode(commands): """ Passing encoding params to ffmpeg for encoding TODO: Replace ffmpeg with aomenc because ffmpeg libaom doen't work with parameters properly """ cmd = f'{FFMPEG} {commands[0]}' Popen(cmd, shell=True).wait() def concat(input_video): """ Using FFMPEG to concatenate all encoded videos to 1 file. Reading all files in A-Z order and saving it to concat.txt """ with open(f'{os.getcwd()}/temp/concat.txt', 'w') as f: for root, firs, files in os.walk(join(os.getcwd(), 'temp', 'encode')): for file in sorted(files): f.write(f"file '{join(root, file)}'\n") cmd = f'{FFMPEG} -f concat -safe 0 -i {join(os.getcwd(), "temp", "concat.txt")} -i {join(os.getcwd(), "temp", "audio.mkv")} -c copy -y {input_video.split(".")[0]}_av1.webm' Popen(cmd, shell=True).wait() def main(arg): # Check validity of request and create temp folders/files setup(arg.input_file) # Extracting audio extract_audio(arg.input_file, arg.audio_params) # Splitting video and sorting big-first split_video(arg.input_file) vid_queue = get_video_queue('temp/split') files = [i[0] for i in vid_queue[:-1]] # Making list of commands for encoding commands = [(f'-i {join(os.getcwd(), "temp", "split", file)} -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - |' + f' aomenc -q {arg.encoding_params} -o {join(os.getcwd(), "temp", "encode", file)} -', file) for file in files] # Creating threading pool to encode fixed amount of files at the same time print(f'Starting encoding with {arg.num_worker} workers. \nParameters:{arg.encoding_params}\nEncoding..') # Progress Bar bar = ProgressBar(len(vid_queue)) # async_encode(commands, num_worker) pool = Pool(arg.num_worker) for i, _ in enumerate(pool.imap_unordered(encode, commands), 1): bar.tick() bar.tick() # Merging all encoded videos to 1 concat(arg.input_file) if __name__ == '__main__': # Main thread start = time.time() main(arg_parsing()) print(f'\nCompleted in {round(time.time()-start, 1)} seconds\n') # Delete temp folders rmtree(join(os.getcwd(), "temp")) # To prevent console from hanging os.popen('stty sane', 'r')