
213 lines
6.6 KiB

#!/bin/env python
from math import isnan
from math import log as ln
import subprocess
from subprocess import STDOUT, PIPE
from .target_quality import make_pipes, vmaf_probe, transform_vmaf, weighted_search
from Av1an.arg_parse import Args
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from Av1an.bar import process_pipe
from Chunks.chunk import Chunk
from Av1an.commandtypes import CommandPair, Command
from Av1an.logger import log
def per_shot_target_quality_routine(args: Args, chunk: Chunk):
Applies per_shot_target_quality to this chunk. Determines what the cq value should be and sets the
per_shot_target_quality_cq for this chunk
:param args: the Args
:param chunk: the Chunk
:return: None
chunk.per_shot_target_quality_cq = per_shot_target_quality(chunk, args)
def get_target_q(scores, target_quality):
Interpolating scores to get Q closest to target
Interpolation type for 2 probes changes to linear
x = [x[1] for x in sorted(scores)]
y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(scores)]
if len(x) > 2:
interpolation = 'quadratic'
interpolation = 'linear'
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind=interpolation)
xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
q = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))
return int(q[0]), round(q[1], 3)
def interpolate_data(vmaf_cq: list, target_quality):
x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
# Interpolate data
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='quadratic')
xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
# Getting value closest to target
tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
target_quality_cq = min(tl, key=lambda l: abs(l[1] - target_quality))
return target_quality_cq, tl, f, xnew
def plot_probes(args, vmaf_cq, chunk: Chunk, frames):
# Saving plot of vmaf calculation
x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
cq, tl, f, xnew = interpolate_data(vmaf_cq, args.target_quality)
plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), color='tab:blue', alpha=1)
plt.plot(x, y, 'p', color='tab:green', alpha=1)
plt.plot(cq[0], cq[1], 'o', color='red', alpha=1)
plt.xlim(args.min_q, args.max_q)
vmafs = [int(x[1]) for x in tl if isinstance(x[1], float) and not isnan(x[1])]
plt.ylim(min(vmafs), max(vmafs) + 1)
plt.title(f'Chunk: {chunk.name}, Frames: {frames}')
plt.xticks(np.arange(args.min_q, args.max_q + 1, 1.0))
temp = args.temp / chunk.name
plt.savefig(f'{temp}.png', dpi=200, format='png')
def per_shot_target_quality(chunk: Chunk, args: Args):
vmaf_cq = []
frames = chunk.frames
q_list = []
score = 0
# Make middle probe
middle_point = (args.min_q + args.max_q) // 2
last_q = middle_point
score = vmaf_probe(chunk, last_q, args)
vmaf_cq.append((score, last_q))
if args.probes < 3:
#Use Euler's method with known relation between cq and vmaf
vmaf_cq_deriv = -0.18
## Formula -ln(1-score/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q + constant
#constant = -ln(1-score/100) - vmaf_cq_deriv*last_q
## Formula -ln(1-args.vmaf_target/100) = vmaf_cq_deriv*cq + constant
#cq = (-ln(1-args.vmaf_target/100) - constant)/vmaf_cq_deriv
next_q = int(round(last_q + (transform_vmaf(args.target_quality) - transform_vmaf(score))/vmaf_cq_deriv))
if next_q < args.min_q:
next_q = args.min_q
if args.max_q < next_q:
next_q = args.max_q
#Single probe cq guess or exit to avoid divide by zero
if args.probes == 1 or next_q == last_q:
return next_q
#Second probe at guessed value
score_2 = vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q, args)
#Calculate slope
vmaf_cq_deriv = (transform_vmaf(score_2) - transform_vmaf(score)) / (next_q-last_q)
#Same deal different slope
next_q = int(round(next_q+(transform_vmaf(args.target_quality)-transform_vmaf(score_2))/vmaf_cq_deriv))
if next_q < args.min_q:
next_q = args.min_q
if args.max_q < next_q:
next_q = args.max_q
return next_q
# Initialize search boundary
vmaf_lower = score
vmaf_upper = score
vmaf_cq_lower = last_q
vmaf_cq_upper = last_q
# Branch
if score < args.target_quality:
next_q = args.min_q
next_q = args.max_q
# Edge case check
score = vmaf_probe(chunk, next_q, args)
vmaf_cq.append((score, next_q))
if next_q == args.min_q and score < args.target_quality:
log(f"Chunk: {chunk.name}, Fr: {frames}\n"
f"Q: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}, Early Skip Low CQ\n"
f"Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq], reverse=True)}\n"
f"Target Q: {vmaf_cq[-1][1]} Vmaf: {vmaf_cq[-1][0]}\n\n")
return next_q
elif next_q == args.max_q and score > args.target_quality:
log(f"Chunk: {chunk.name}, Fr: {frames}\n"
f"Q: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}, Early Skip High CQ\n"
f"Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq], reverse=True)}\n"
f"Target Q: {vmaf_cq[-1][1]} Vmaf: {vmaf_cq[-1][0]}\n\n")
return next_q
# Set boundary
if score < args.target_quality:
vmaf_lower = score
vmaf_cq_lower = next_q
vmaf_upper = score
vmaf_cq_upper = next_q
# VMAF search
for _ in range(args.probes - 2):
new_point = weighted_search(vmaf_cq_lower, vmaf_lower, vmaf_cq_upper, vmaf_upper, args.target_quality)
if new_point in [x[1] for x in vmaf_cq]:
score = vmaf_probe(chunk, new_point, args)
vmaf_cq.append((score, new_point))
# Update boundary
if score < args.target_quality:
vmaf_lower = score
vmaf_cq_lower = new_point
vmaf_upper = score
vmaf_cq_upper = new_point
q, q_vmaf = get_target_q(vmaf_cq, args.target_quality)
log(f'Chunk: {chunk.name}, Fr: {frames}\n'
f'Q: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}\n'
f'Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq], reverse=True)}\n'
f'Target Q: {q} Vmaf: {q_vmaf}\n\n')
# Plot Probes
if args.vmaf_plots and len(vmaf_cq) > 3:
plot_probes(args, vmaf_cq, chunk, frames)
return q