2020-07-16 22:01:05 +03:00

140 lines
4.9 KiB

#!/bin/env python
from utils.utils import terminate, frame_probe
from utils.vmaf import call_vmaf, read_vmaf_xml
from scipy import interpolate
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
import numpy as np
from utils.logger import log
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import sys
from math import isnan
def x264_probes(video: Path, ffmpeg: str):
cmd = f' ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -i {video.as_posix()} ' \
f'-r 4 -an {ffmpeg} -c:v libx264 -crf 0 {video.with_suffix(".mp4")}'
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
def encoding_fork(min_cq, max_cq, steps):
# Make encoding fork
q = list(np.unique(np.linspace(min_cq, max_cq, num=steps, dtype=int, endpoint=True)))
# Moving highest cq to first check, for early skips
# checking highest first, lowers second, for early skips
q.insert(0, q.pop(-1))
return q
def vmaf_probes(probe, fork, ffmpeg):
params = " aomenc -q --passes=1 --threads=8 --end-usage=q --cpu-used=6 --cq-level="
cmd = [[f'ffmpeg -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -i {probe} {ffmpeg}'
f'{params}{x} -o {probe.with_name(f"v_{x}{probe.stem}")}.ivf - ',
probe, probe.with_name(f'v_{x}{probe.stem}').with_suffix('.ivf'), x] for x in fork]
return cmd
def interpolate_data(vmaf_cq: list, vmaf_target):
x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
# Interpolate data
f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic')
xnew = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), max(x) - min(x))
# Getting value closest to target
tl = list(zip(xnew, f(xnew)))
vmaf_target_cq = min(tl, key=lambda x: abs(x[1] - vmaf_target))
return vmaf_target_cq, tl, f, xnew
def plot_probes(x, y, f, tl, min_cq, max_cq, probe, xnew, vmaf_target_cq, frames, temp):
# Saving plot of vmaf calculation
plt.plot(x, y, 'x', color='tab:blue', alpha=1)
plt.plot(xnew, f(xnew), color='tab:blue', alpha=1)
plt.plot(vmaf_target_cq[0], vmaf_target_cq[1], 'o', color='red', alpha=1)
plt.xlim(min_cq, max_cq)
vmafs = [int(x[1]) for x in tl if isinstance(x[1], float) and not isnan(x[1])]
plt.ylim(min(vmafs), max(vmafs) + 1)
plt.title(f'Chunk: {probe.stem}, Frames: {frames}')
# plt.tight_layout()
temp = temp / probe.stem
plt.savefig(temp, dpi=300, format='png',transparent=True)
def target_vmaf(source, temp, vmaf_path, vmaf_steps, min_cq, max_cq, ffmpeg, ffmpeg_pipe, n_threads, vmaf_target, vmaf_plots):
if vmaf_steps < 4:
print('Target vmaf require more than 3 probes/steps')
frames = frame_probe(source)
probe = source.with_suffix(".mp4")
# Making 4 fps probing file
x264_probes(source, ffmpeg)
# Making encoding fork
fork = encoding_fork(min_cq, max_cq, vmaf_steps)
# Making encoding commands
cmd = vmaf_probes(probe, fork, ffmpeg_pipe)
# Encoding probe and getting vmaf
vmaf_cq = []
for count, i in enumerate(cmd):
subprocess.run(i[0], shell=True)
v = call_vmaf(i[1], i[2], n_threads=n_threads, model=vmaf_path, return_file=True)
# Trying 25 percentile
mean = read_vmaf_xml(v, 25)
vmaf_cq.append((mean, i[3]))
# Early Skip on big CQ
if count == 0 and round(mean) > vmaf_target:
log(f"File: {source.stem}, Fr: {frames}\n" \
f"Probes: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}, Early Skip High CQ\n" \
f"Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq], reverse=True)}\n" \
f"Target CQ: {max_cq} Vmaf: {mean}\n\n")
return max_cq
# Early Skip on small CQ
if count == 1 and round(mean) < vmaf_target:
log(f"File: {source.stem}, Fr: {frames}\n" \
f"Probes: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}, Early Skip Low CQ\n" \
f"Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq], reverse=True)}\n" \
f"Target CQ: {min_cq} Vmaf: {mean}\n\n")
return min_cq
x = [x[1] for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
y = [float(x[0]) for x in sorted(vmaf_cq)]
# Interpolate data
cq, tl, f, xnew = interpolate_data(vmaf_cq, vmaf_target)
if vmaf_plots:
plot_probes(x, y, f, tl, min_cq, max_cq, probe, xnew, cq, frames, temp)
log(f'File: {source.stem}, Fr: {frames}\n' \
f'Probes: {sorted([x[1] for x in vmaf_cq])}\n' \
f'Vmaf: {sorted([x[0] for x in vmaf_cq])}\n' \
f'Target CQ: {int(cq[0])} Vmaf: {round(float(cq[1]), 2)}\n\n')
return int(cq[0])
except Exception as e:
_, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
print(f'Error in vmaf_target {e} \nAt line {exc_tb.tb_lineno}')