2020-10-13 17:36:01 -07:00

296 lines
10 KiB

import json
from pathlib import Path
import os
from typing import List
from Av1an.arg_parse import Args
from Chunks.chunk import Chunk
from Encoders import ENCODERS
from Av1an.ffmpeg import get_keyframes
from Av1an.logger import log
from Av1an.resume import read_done_data
from Av1an.split import segment
from Av1an.utils import terminate, frame_probe, frame_probe_fast
# Todo: make -xs work with all
def save_chunk_queue(temp: Path, chunk_queue: List[Chunk]) -> None:
Writes the chunk queue to the chunks.json file
:param temp: the temp directory
:param chunk_queue: the chunk queue
:return: None
chunk_dicts = [c.to_dict() for c in chunk_queue]
with open(temp / 'chunks.json', 'w') as file:
json.dump(chunk_dicts, file)
def read_chunk_queue(temp: Path) -> List[Chunk]:
Reads the chunk queue from the chunks.json file
:param temp: the temp directory
:return: the chunk queue
with open(temp / 'chunks.json', 'r') as file:
chunk_dicts = json.load(file)
return [Chunk.create_from_dict(cd, temp) for cd in chunk_dicts]
def load_or_gen_chunk_queue(args: Args, resuming: bool, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
If resuming, loads the chunk queue and removes already done chunks or
creates a chunk queue and saves it for resuming later.
:param args: the Args
:param resuming: if we are resuming
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:return: A chunk queue (list of chunks)
# if resuming, read chunks from file and remove those already done
if resuming:
chunk_queue = read_chunk_queue(args.temp)
done_chunk_names = read_done_data(args.temp)['done'].keys()
chunk_queue = [c for c in chunk_queue if c.name not in done_chunk_names]
return chunk_queue
# create and save
chunk_queue = create_encoding_queue(args, split_locations)
save_chunk_queue(args.temp, chunk_queue)
return chunk_queue
def create_encoding_queue(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
Creates a list of chunks using the cli option chunk_method specified
:param args: Args
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:return: A list of chunks
chunk_method_gen = {
'segment': create_video_queue_segment,
'select': create_video_queue_select,
'vs_ffms2': create_video_queue_vsffms2,
'vs_lsmash': create_video_queue_vslsmash,
'hybrid': create_video_queue_hybrid
chunk_queue = chunk_method_gen[args.chunk_method](args, split_locations)
# Sort largest first so chunks that take a long time to encode start first
chunk_queue.sort(key=lambda c: c.size, reverse=True)
return chunk_queue
def reduce_segments(scenes: List[int]) -> List[int]:
"""Windows terminal can't handle more than ~400 segments in length."""
count = len(scenes)
interval = int(count / 400 + (count % 400 > 0))
scenes = scenes[::interval]
return scenes
def create_video_queue_hybrid(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
Create list of chunks using hybrid segment-select approach
:param args: the Args
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:return: A list of chunks
keyframes = get_keyframes(args.input)
end = [frame_probe_fast(args.input, args.is_vs)]
splits = [0] + split_locations + end
segments_list = list(zip(splits, splits[1:]))
to_split = [x for x in keyframes if x in splits]
if os.name == 'nt':
to_split = reduce_segments(to_split)
segments = []
# Make segments
segment(args.input, args.temp, to_split[1:])
source_path = args.temp / 'split'
queue_files = [x for x in source_path.iterdir() if x.suffix == '.mkv']
queue_files.sort(key=lambda p: p.stem)
kf_list = list(zip(to_split, to_split[1:] + end))
for f, (x, y) in zip(queue_files, kf_list):
to_add = [(f, [s[0] - x, s[1] - x]) for s in segments_list
if s[0] >= x and s[1] <= y
and s[0] - x < s[1] - x]
chunk_queue = [create_select_chunk(args, index, file, *cb) for index, (file, cb) in enumerate(segments)]
return chunk_queue
def create_video_queue_vsffms2(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
script = "from vapoursynth import core\n" \
"core.ffms2.Source(\"{}\", cachefile=\"{}\").set_output()"
return create_video_queue_vs(args, split_locations, script)
def create_video_queue_vslsmash(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
script = "from vapoursynth import core\n" \
return create_video_queue_vs(args, split_locations, script)
def create_video_queue_vs(args: Args, split_locations: List[int], script: str) -> List[Chunk]:
Create a list of chunks using vspipe and ffms2 for frame accurate seeking
:param args: the Args
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:param script: source filter script to use with vspipe (ignored with vs input)
:return: A list of chunks
# add first frame and last frame
last_frame = frame_probe(args.input)
split_locs_fl = [0] + split_locations + [last_frame]
# pair up adjacent members of this list ex: [0, 10, 20, 30] -> [(0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 30)]
chunk_boundaries = zip(split_locs_fl, split_locs_fl[1:])
source_file = args.input.absolute().as_posix()
vs_script = args.input
if not args.is_vs:
# create a vapoursynth script that will load the source with ffms2
load_script = args.temp / 'split' / 'loadscript.vpy'
cache_file = (args.temp / 'split' / 'ffms2cache.ffindex').absolute().as_posix()
with open(load_script, 'w+') as file:
file.write(script.format(source_file, cache_file))
vs_script = load_script
chunk_queue = [create_vs_chunk(args, index, vs_script, *cb) for index, cb in enumerate(chunk_boundaries)]
return chunk_queue
def create_vs_chunk(args: Args, index: int, vs_script: Path, frame_start: int, frame_end: int) -> Chunk:
Creates a chunk using vspipe
:param args: the Args
:param load_script: the path to the .vpy script for vspipe
:param index: the index of the chunk
:param frame_start: frame that this chunk should start on (0-based, inclusive)
:param frame_end: frame that this chunk should end on (0-based, exclusive)
:return: a Chunk
assert frame_end > frame_start, "Can't make a chunk with <= 0 frames!"
frames = frame_end - frame_start
frame_end -= 1 # the frame end boundary is actually a frame that should be included in the next chunk
vspipe_gen_cmd = ['vspipe', vs_script.as_posix(), '-y', '-', '-s', str(frame_start), '-e', str(frame_end)]
extension = ENCODERS[args.encoder].output_extension
size = frames # use the number of frames to prioritize which chunks encode first, since we don't have file size
chunk = Chunk(args.temp, index, vspipe_gen_cmd, extension, size, frames)
return chunk
def create_video_queue_select(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
Create a list of chunks using the select filter
:param args: the Args
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:return: A list of chunks
# add first frame and last frame
last_frame = frame_probe(args.input)
split_locs_fl = [0] + split_locations + [last_frame]
# pair up adjacent members of this list ex: [0, 10, 20, 30] -> [(0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 30)]
chunk_boundaries = zip(split_locs_fl, split_locs_fl[1:])
chunk_queue = [create_select_chunk(args, index, args.input, *cb) for index, cb in enumerate(chunk_boundaries)]
return chunk_queue
def create_select_chunk(args: Args, index: int, src_path: Path, frame_start: int, frame_end: int) -> Chunk:
Creates a chunk using ffmpeg's select filter
:param args: the Args
:param src_path: the path of the entire unchunked source file
:param index: the index of the chunk
:param frame_start: frame that this chunk should start on (0-based, inclusive)
:param frame_end: frame that this chunk should end on (0-based, exclusive)
:return: a Chunk
assert frame_end > frame_start, "Can't make a chunk with <= 0 frames!"
frames = frame_end - frame_start
frame_end -= 1 # the frame end boundary is actually a frame that should be included in the next chunk
ffmpeg_gen_cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', src_path.as_posix(), '-vf',
f'select=between(n\\,{frame_start}\\,{frame_end}),setpts=PTS-STARTPTS', *args.pix_format,
'-bufsize', '50000K', '-f', 'yuv4mpegpipe', '-']
extension = ENCODERS[args.encoder].output_extension
size = frames # use the number of frames to prioritize which chunks encode first, since we don't have file size
chunk = Chunk(args.temp, index, ffmpeg_gen_cmd, extension, size, frames)
return chunk
def create_video_queue_segment(args: Args, split_locations: List[int]) -> List[Chunk]:
Create a list of chunks using segmented files
:param args: Args
:param split_locations: a list of frames to split on
:return: A list of chunks
# segment into separate files
segment(args.input, args.temp, split_locations)
# get the names of all the split files
source_path = args.temp / 'split'
queue_files = [x for x in source_path.iterdir() if x.suffix == '.mkv']
queue_files.sort(key=lambda p: p.stem)
if len(queue_files) == 0:
er = 'Error: No files found in temp/split, probably splitting not working'
chunk_queue = [create_chunk_from_segment(args, index, file) for index, file in enumerate(queue_files)]
return chunk_queue
def create_chunk_from_segment(args: Args, index: int, file: Path) -> Chunk:
Creates a Chunk object from a segment file generated by ffmpeg
:param args: the Args
:param index: the index of the chunk
:param file: the segmented file
:return: A Chunk
ffmpeg_gen_cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-hide_banner', '-loglevel', 'error', '-i', file.as_posix(), *args.pix_format,
'-bufsize', '50000K', '-f', 'yuv4mpegpipe', '-']
file_size = file.stat().st_size
frames = frame_probe(file)
extension = ENCODERS[args.encoder].output_extension
chunk = Chunk(args.temp, index, ffmpeg_gen_cmd, extension, file_size, frames)
return chunk