
156 lines
5.1 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
import sys
import concurrent
import concurrent.futures
import shutil
from .encoder import ENCODERS
from .vmaf import VMAF
from .project import Project
from .chunk import Chunk
from .chunk.chunk_queue import load_or_gen_chunk_queue
from av1an.resume import write_progress_file
from .target_quality import per_shot_target_quality_routine, per_frame_target_quality_routine
from av1an.utils import frame_probe_fast, frame_probe, terminate
from av1an.bar import Manager, tqdm_bar
from av1an.logger import log, set_log
from av1an.ffmpeg import extract_audio
from av1an.fp_reuse import segment_first_pass
from av1an.split import split_routine
def encode_file(project: Project):
Encodes a single video file on the local machine.
:param project: The project for this encode
:return: None
set_log(project.logging, project.temp)
# find split locations
split_locations = split_routine(project, project.resume)
# create a chunk queue
chunk_queue = load_or_gen_chunk_queue(project, project.resume, split_locations)
# things that need to be done only the first time
if not project.resume:
extract_audio(project.input, project.temp, project.audio_params)
if project.reuse_first_pass:
segment_first_pass(project.temp, split_locations)
# do encoding loop
startup(project, chunk_queue)
encoding_loop(project, chunk_queue)
# concat
if project.vmaf or project.vmaf_plots:
vmaf = VMAF()
vmaf.plot_vmaf(project.input, project.output_file, project)
# Delete temp folders
if not project.keep:
def startup(project: Project, chunk_queue: List[Chunk]):
done_path = project.temp / 'done.json'
if project.resume and done_path.exists():
with open(done_path) as done_file:
data = json.load(done_file)
done = len(data['done'])
initial = sum(data['done'].values())
log(f'Resumed with {done} encoded clips done\n\n')
initial = 0
total = project.get_frames()
d = {'frames': total, 'done': {}}
with open(done_path, 'w') as done_file:
json.dump(d, done_file)
clips = len(chunk_queue)
project.workers = min(project.workers, clips)
print(f'\rQueue: {clips} Workers: {project.workers} Passes: {project.passes}\n'
f'Params: {" ".join(project.video_params)}')
counter = Manager().Counter(project.get_frames(), initial)
project.counter = counter
def encoding_loop(project: Project, chunk_queue: List[Chunk]):
"""Creating process pool for encoders, creating progress bar."""
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=project.workers) as executor:
future_cmd = {executor.submit(encode, cmd, project): cmd for cmd in chunk_queue}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_cmd):
except Exception as exc:
_, _, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
print(f'Encoding error {exc}\nAt line {exc_tb.tb_lineno}')
def encode(chunk: Chunk, project: Project):
Encodes a chunk.
:param chunk: The chunk to encode
:param project: The cli project
:return: None
st_time = time.time()
chunk_frames = chunk.frames
log(f'Enc: {chunk.name}, {chunk_frames} fr\n\n')
# Target Quality Mode
if project.target_quality:
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_shot':
per_shot_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
if project.target_quality_method == 'per_frame':
per_frame_target_quality_routine(project, chunk)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_before_chunk(project, chunk)
# skip first pass if reusing
start = 2 if project.reuse_first_pass and project.passes >= 2 else 1
# Run all passes for this chunk
for current_pass in range(start, project.passes + 1):
tqdm_bar(project, chunk, project.encoder, project.counter, chunk_frames, project.passes, current_pass)
ENCODERS[project.encoder].on_after_chunk(project, chunk)
# get the number of encoded frames, if no check assume it worked and encoded same number of frames
encoded_frames = chunk_frames if project.no_check else frame_check_output(chunk, chunk_frames)
# write this chunk as done if it encoded correctly
if encoded_frames == chunk_frames:
write_progress_file(Path(project.temp / 'done.json'), chunk, encoded_frames)
enc_time = round(time.time() - st_time, 2)
log(f'Done: {chunk.name} Fr: {encoded_frames}\n'
f'Fps: {round(encoded_frames / enc_time, 4)} Time: {enc_time} sec.\n\n')
def frame_check_output(chunk: Chunk, expected_frames: int) -> int:
actual_frames = frame_probe(chunk.output_path)
if actual_frames != expected_frames:
print(f':: Chunk #{chunk.name}: {actual_frames}/{expected_frames} fr')
return actual_frames